telling me to get out of his way, busy watching elmo.
He is now 14months and as always very full of energy that sometimes i wonder where he got it from lol. Definitely not from dad, he is more laid back and mellow. Perhaps from me? So what's my little toddler's up to these days?
Vocabularies, milestones and silly personalities of Mattie:
-"Dada/dadee" seem to be his favorite word(for his daddy),"papa" for grandpa.
-Refers to his bottle as "data" for gatas(i'm trying to talk in bisaya as much as possible)
-Saying "Adada" as he pointed his finger to the monitor(tv/pc) to play elmo dvds.(grandma got him a dvd player and elmo learning discs for valentines day). He's glued to it when it's playing.
-"Meme/mama" as he learn to call grandma and "Ma/mum-mee" for mommy(me). Very often that he calls my name unless he needs something(sad).
-Calls his banana as "Manamana".
-Mastered the word "tat" for our cat buddy. His no longer scared of her when she hiss and more comfortable petting her. On a good day he would just smile as she passes by with a mean look.
- "Ssssh" sound when he sees the snake picture.
-"Argggghh" for bears, tiger, alligator, still trying to create a different sound for each animal though.
"Aw-aw-aw" for puppy sound. Glances to our backdoor window to watch the next door neighbors barking dogs. He is fascinated with these creatures.
-says "hi" with gladness
-says "bye" with hands waving to everyone that leaves
-gives blow kisses when you tell him so
-says "nye nye" for bedtime
-very stingy with kisses but when his in the mood he smother us with wet kisses on our face.
-knows how to say "up" when climbing the stairs, even when he wants to go down he would say it too.
-recognizes the birds and their sound when he sees it and points his finger to tell mom.
-says "bloon" for balloon at the grocery store and books. We have to ask the friendly grocery associate to blow one for him otherwise he'll throw a fit and say the word nonstop.
-Knows how to turn the tv remote tv on, and at the daycare they told me that he now knows how to turn on the dvd player as well.
-He can get in and out of this kiddie car although he is still trying to figure out how to drive learning to push the beep beep button is enough for an exciting day
-Learning how to putt his golf ball is a lot of fun when his grandpa babysits
-says "at" when the food is hot and blows it at the same time
At the school they moved him last monday to the toddler II section with two of his classmates(2 blonde girls lol) . Teacher said that he's way advanced and now ready to learn new fun activities. I'm proud to be told that he is advancing. Not so surprise since he already starts walking at 10mnths. Thus all other developments came pretty early as well. Also, his school had them participate into activities from drawing to scribble and reading which i'm sure enhances their skill potential at that age. You can say i'm bias but i have nothing but support to daycares as long as i know they are watched and taken good care of i'm all for it. Anyway, he loves to give hugs and kisses to stuff toys and pictures than us. He seem to be born with fins, he loves to be in the water for hours. Whether in the tub, backyard with the water hose on or the beach his fearless and never gets tired of it. Loves grapes and banana the most for snacks, he still eats applesauce but less of the chunky fresh one. Basically eats any table food i served as long as it's soft. Not very fond of meats unless it's cut very small and again soft. Sleeping pattern, oh what a treat for me and Richard. Our boy can sleep. He averages from 9-11hrs at night and naps for two hours at the daycare. On the weekend he'll sleep an hour in the morning and another 30mins-1hr in the afternoon. Since our december trip i don't have any problems putting him to sleep. Lights dim and mobile songs playing and he is out in 10mins. For this i can't complain. He knows how to outsmart our staircase gate now that he simply stick his head underneath and on his way up climbing. We have to lower it or put pillows as stoppers on the first stair as blockage. On telephone rings he would respond by putting his hands on his ears and says "looo" for hello. He gets mad when you take away any phones out of his tiny fingers.
He recognizes the number words as you say it. On his elmo movies that has a counting scene he would stomp his feet to each of the number spoken . I guess he is counting too. The part that i love the most is when he gives kisses and hugs with a smile. I am going to cherish and remember these sweet tricks forever. Knowing that when he becomes an adult i won't be getting it a lot so enjoy it while it lasts.
Lovin mommyhood....