Sunday, December 03, 2006

Hospital Pictures


4 Responses to "Hospital Pictures"
  1. Anonymous said...
    1:47 PM

    Congratulations Manang !!! Cute kaayo inyong healthy baby boy. I called Ryan to show him the pictures. Suya ko nimo. I still have a long way to go. April pa gud akong pumpkin mogawas pohon. Pero bahala na basta healthy lang. Ayo-ayo !!!

  2. Anonymous said...
    4:46 PM

    Hi Van, I wonder what happened to the comment I left here yesterday. Anyway I just wanted to say how I got misty eyed seeing Matthew Connors pix, I loved his name too. I know taking care of hims his very difficult as of the moment but it really does get better and fun!

  3. Anonymous said...
    4:47 PM

    about my comment's disappearing act, I must've hit preview, it didn't have the texts kasi yeaterday just the orange and blue colors.

  4. Neneng said...
    9:23 AM


    Sige lang hapit na bitaw, i had the same jealousness as you everytime i hear someone having a baby. The urged to see the baby ASAP and get it over with is crazy. Excited na sad ko makakita sa imo liwat manang. I wish duol ta aron maka attend ko sa imo baby shower.


    We're relief to know that his over with the jaundice thing. It's not something that the doctors were worried about coz it's not really beyond the normal level just slighty elevated but as a mother i can't help to be concerned and worried. His follow up checkup went ok, he doesn't need any blood draw and other tests which only shows his doing well now and won't be seen again in the next 2 months. Sorry sa disappearing comments. Btw, Evan is getting more handsome, no wonder those ladies had their eyes on him.


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