matthew and daddy checking out the sofa at RTG.

Recent pictures of Matthew at 3months.
Wheeew, almost a month of dormancy lol. A few things that had happened lately in my household. Some good one's and some are not.
Finally applied last september and got a reply 3 weeks after. I was scheduled for fingerprinting on October. Then the most awaited interview was 2 weeks ago February 13th. I call it a chit chat actually lol. The officer that initiate the interview was indeed very lively i felt very comfortable the whole 30mins. Informal and none of the frightening raising eyebrows questions asked. Richard stayed outside, i don't know if in other states spouses were included in the interview process but on mine it was just me. Good thing he didn't asked a lot of civic questions from the new 200 booklet. I'm not even aware that there is a revised one for 2007. I studied the old version which was handed to me by the officer at the fingerprinting office. Heard about it in the news later but even on their website it's not release yet. Anyway, five easy questions was asked, luckily got it all answered. He then told me to write and read one sentence that says "congratulations you passed the citizenship interview", which covered the reading and writing test. That was it, everything that follows we're all fun chitchats lol. He talked about marriage frauds that are happening lately, mostly filipinos/asians involve(what a shame), hmm he praised vonage btw and her dear korean wife hehehe. Before i stepped out, i told him what my husband said to my baby Matthew before the interview date. He said, "daddy is a bachelor on valentine's day" with a confuse look on my face i asked him why". It's because mommy is now an american and she can divorce me anytime and leave us(with a smile on his face). Oh you think i will leave the baby with you? heck no was my rebuttal lol! Both of us burst out laughing. Officer was laughing too with his last words saying " of course you and him were joking right? I think he knows my intentions based solely on the way i presented myself from the very start. A very candid and confident me the entire time inside that room, thus, i assume creates no suspicion on his end. To sum it up, a very easy process of four months. So guys, don't worry about it, it's not as bad as you may think.I'm just waiting for the oath taking ceremony which will happen sometime in april or may. For the meantime no more immigration paperwork. The next hurdle will be petitioning my parents in the next year or so. A tourist visa will do actuallly, since they are not going to stay here for good.
Hearts Day
I got a new Palm Treo 680 from Richard a week early. He thought i need it coz my old treo is about to die anytime soon and flowers at work (he never fails with the flower thing lol). Pretty sleek eventhough i don't need that kind of a pricey phone again but can't complain it's a gift and the thought matters most. I got him a cup, cheap of me right lol. Oh well, he likes it better when he picks his gift anyway. No fancy dinner date, just quiet time at home with the baby. On Richards birthday last week we spent the weekend window shopping for a new leather sofa(post xmas gift for both of us). Kinda late but very worth it. Not too bad since there's only 5 places to check, we end up with rooms to go because they are the only one that has an express delivery lol, we want it fast since Richard is leaving out of country anytime soon(sad me), i don't want to take a day off from work at time of the delivery.