Saturday, June 28, 2008

Melissa and Brianna's post pregnancy visit

Going away drinks courtesy of Abel(only guy in the photo). Still in scrubs.

Mattie and Brianna getting ready to eat fruits

Melissa is one of my closest friend at work although she's no longer working in the laboratory area when i quit my full time job, now that i'm back to casual part time she is covering the oncology clinic up in the 8th floor. We're basically a phone extension away or quick visits and lunch dates to the cafeteria to catch up motherhood. She and I got pregnant the same year, she's few months pregnant after mine. But baby Brianna decided to pop few weeks before Mattie. I had a lot of first experiences with her since our move here in San Antonio, that's why her friendship is special.

As i recall(sorry i have bad memory), it was her wedding i attended first here in the states, i was with her on my first night out too. We had fun even for just one night.

Yesterday, she and baby B pay a visit. Oh how excited i was to see the little girl. My future daughter in law hehehhe. Isn't she adorable?

Thanks for the visit girlfriend!


1 Response to "Melissa and Brianna's post pregnancy visit"
  1. Anonymous said...
    8:24 PM

    Hi vanz,yes xcited 2 see u too.My sister n laws grandchild is in San Antonio for an air force training. I have 2 brothers in law in san antonio actually been there last december. One live in universal city and the other on in LBJ lake. Hey want to add your site to my blog ok? Tc and God bless you guys.


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